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Real Estate Investing

Do I Need Asset Protection for My Rental Properties?

Do I Need Asset Protection for My Rental Properties?
What Is Real Estate Asset Protection? Asset protection in real estate is exactly what you’d expect: it protects you and your investments incase any unfortunate situations arise. The last thing any investor wants after spending his or her hard earned money […]

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Why Consider A 1031 Tax Exchange?

When you are selling an investment property can be subject to taxation. Those taxes can add up quickly depending on the type of property, how long it was owned, state taxes, capital gains, depreciation and the owner’s tax bracket. As […]

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IRS Revenue procedure regarding Section 199A, it affects you and how you calculate your taxes.

IRS Revenue procedure regarding Section 199A, it affects you and how you calculate your taxes.
Once again IRS revenue procedures have been updated. In this case, the changes relate to businesses. These savings may be garnered with an additional deduction of up to 20% of the taxpayers qualified business income, for non-corporate taxpayers, operating through […]

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4 Different Types of LLC’s and the Ways They Pay Taxes

4 Different Types of LLC’s and the Ways They Pay Taxes
There are many different types of LLCs available for real estate investors. Which one is best for you depends on a variety of circumstances, including your personal real estate goals. But one thing many investors initially overlook is that each […]

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